Saturday, April 25, 2020

Projectile Motion Lab Report Sample

Projectile Motion Lab Report Paper An object in a projectile motion moue horizontally with no acceleration and vertically with the gravitational acceleration at the same time. This experiment is to investigate projectile motion using experiments, equations and comparing the expected and experimental data. Procedure: Case I: Use formulas to find equation of horizontal Range (R) in a projectile motion. Rearrange equation for Arena, and find the angle Adjust the launches angle to angle Launch the ball, measure Irma Use the equation to solve for initial speed case II: Calculate new R=80/armada Else to calculate (J Find out another expected angle , and find its relation with Adjust the launch angle to, launch the ball and measure R Adjust the launch angle to launch the ball and measure R Compare RI and RE with R More Calculation: Calculate components of velocity for both cases using expected value Calculate maximum height for case only Data and Calculations: In Projectile Motion: Horizontally (x-direction): =O, v=V, X=VT, Vertically (y-direction): 3=-g, y=Vt- 1/get Also, v=Voss, v=vision We can get R: Case l: As ;Sessions, so so Ornate/g, and -?45 When the launch angle is 45, Irma from experiment we get was 1. Mm using equation, we can calculate for Vmm/s Case II: Roman-1. Mm As, SO expected values of are , and When the launch angle is 26. 6, the range we get R-1. Mm; When the launch angle is 634, the range we get R=mm. They are both around the expected range which is R-mm Components of velocity Poor case l: For case II: When angle is 26. 6, . 85 urn/s Who en angle is 63. 4, V=Vision. 4=3. Mm/s Maximum height for case I t: 1. 75/2. 93=0. Sass conclusion: For case one, we found out the horizontal range Of a projectile motion is . We got the launch angle which makes the range maximum is 45, and for this angle, Arena -1. Mm. Using this numbers, we found out V-4. mm/s. We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer For case two, when R=BOB/I Roman=1. Mm, with the same V, expected angles we got were 26. And 63. 4. The sum of these two angles is 90. We launch the ball with these angles, and the range we got was 1. 45 and 1. 35 respectively which is around the expected value of 1. Mm. For the last part, the components of velocity for case one are v the components of velocity for case two are Box=3. Mm/ s, Vow-l . Mm/s (when angle is 26. 6), and Box-l . Mm/s, Over. Mm/s (when angle is 63. 4). The maximum height for part one we got was [1,mm. AS a result, our experiment successfully investigated the projectile, and the occurrence of small random error is acceptable. Projectile Motion Lab Report Sample Projectile Motion Lab Report Paper The two pictures below demonstrate the calculations from Trial 1 at 00 and Trial 1 at 450. In this experiment we did five separate shots from the cannon at 00, and 3 separate shots at 450. We determined the average distance of the shots from each angle by using a meter stick. We were then able to calculate the velocity of the shots by dividing the time from distance. After getting the results, the distance from the shots fired at 450 had a greater distance from the shots fired at 00 horizontally. This is because as the ball which is fired increases, the height increases. As the height increases, the time it takes for the ball to hit the ground increases and the range (distance) is greater. Conclusion: One source of error comes from when we shot the cannon from the ground at a 450 incline. There is a little drop off at the end of the range because the height at which the ball is being shot is a little above ground. This could have an effect on measuring the correct distance. We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Projectile Motion Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Also, we did not have measuring tape for measuring distance. We had to use multiple meter sticks to measure the distance. After sticking the meter sticks together to get a long range, this could easily throw off your calculations for distance. With all the formulas involved, it is possible to type a wrong number into the calculator. I believe our calculations for velocity and distance from the trials at different angles give a good picture projectile motion. If a ball is shot up in the air at an angle 450, it has a greater distance and velocity than a ball that is being shot horizontally at 00.

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